
Color Classification



There are three main types of color blindness: (Red-Green) Deuteranopia, Protanopia, and (Blue-Yellow) Tritanopia. Our app presents a real-time color adjustment service that is type agnostic and offers adjustable intensities to further increase color differentiability.

8% of Men

are affected by color blindness



Augmented Reality

Leverages the sensory and computing capabilities of your phone to deliver crisp, real-time color adjustment. Uses Java and OpenGL to perform fast and efficient calculations on the GPU and render it to the user.

Color Adjustments

Adjusts the colors of any object away from any wavelength invisible to a color blind person. To do this, we first convert color values from RGB to LMS and apply a kernel to each pixel of the picture. The purpose of these filters are to increase the differentiability of the colors by adjusting the saturation.

Azure Machine Learning

With the help of Azure Machine Learning Studio, we trained a color classification model for easy identification of colors displayed on screen.

Build it yourself

We build DPTChroma with scalability in mind. That's why we created our very own API that you can use today in order to utilize our color adjustment technology in your own apps.

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